Tuesday 7 March 2023

How has technology affected the human body?


How has technology affected the human body?

Friends, the way today's growing technology is becoming very useful for us, it is also affecting our body many times more than that.

technology affected the human body
How has technology affected the human body

 In this blog we are going to tell about How has technology affected the human body, why physical exercise is necessary daily. Friends, if we talk about 50-60 years ago, then technology used to be very less, there were not so many machines.

health and fitness

At that time most people used to work physically. For example, there were no motorcycles at that time, even if they were there, they were few and far between, and there were not so many cars. At that time some people used to have cycles. Most of the people used to have bullock cart, horse cart or camel cart. People used to work very hard.

health, fitness, wellness
Animal cart

There were no machines for harvesting crops in the fields. There were neither cranes nor loader machines. Whatever heavy work was done, people used to work with the help of each other and with their physical strength. People used to plow the fields all day long. Physical force was used throughout their day's work. Those people used to walk a lot, used to walk from one village to another, whether that village was 1 kilometer or 20 kilometers, they used to walk on foot.

health fitness wellness

Due to so much hard work, he used to feel very hungry and then the food he used to eat was unadulterated. The nutrients in their food used to be many times more than today's food. Due to which his body remained healthy. After so much hard work, he used to sleep very well at night. He used to sleep till 8, 9 in the night. At that time there was no such thing as mobile phone social media which they used. Everyone used to get up early in the morning at 4 o'clock.

villagers hardworking
Villagers hardworking

Then they used to feed fodder to their domesticated animals like cows, goats, sheep and buffaloes, extract their milk and drink that pure milk. People of that time did not consume tea and coffee at all. They made curd from cow's milk and made ghee from curd and used to consume ghee a lot in food. All of you must know that the people who used to eat such pure food, can their body become weak, can't it?

If today's routine and their routine are compared, then the difference of day and night is clearly visible. Even though today people use machines and life has become easier, but these machines have made us physically very weak.


Air pollution - 

Due to the smoke of vehicles, so much air pollution is happening day by day that people crave for pure air and this air pollution is not going to stop. Due to this people are getting respiratory diseases.

Air pollution affect health
Air pollution

Lack of nutrients in food items - 

It is not the same thing as before in today's food. Those nutrients which used to be present in the food items are no longer there.

lack of Nutrition

Busy Routine -   

Today's youth is so busy that they do not even have time for their body. In the era of technology, people's work has become so easy that they can easily do everything by pressing a button while sitting. Sitting and working all day is making our body weak. This increases obesity, obesity increases stomach. And friends, as you know that the person whose stomach is enlarged, he has more diseases. Sitting too much causes stiffness in the body. Due to which laziness starts coming.

Due to the busy routine people are unable to complete their sleep as well, due to lack of sleep, the whole system of our body gets spoiled. Because of which constipation, indigestion, indigestion starts. And then we go round the hospital.

So friends, these were the reasons due to which our body becomes weak. The solution to all these problems is physical exercise.

Include physical exercise in the routine -    

Friends, no matter how busy your routine is, but it has to be given time to keep your body healthy. If you do not give time to your body today, then it is possible that in the coming time your body will become very weak and you will again be seen visiting hospitals. And your earned capital should not be spent in making the body healthy again. That's why friends, even if you have to earn a little less, it is necessary to keep the body healthy.

exercise fitness
Exercise Daily

You have to take out 2 hours daily for your body. Do whatever physical exercise you can in those two hours. You can do long running, you can jump rope, you can do Zumba, you can do yoga, if you love to dance then you can dance.

 Friends do anything but doing physical exercise is very important for our body.

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