Saturday 11 March 2023

How to build a muscular body without supplements?

 How to build a muscular body without supplements ?

Who doesn't want a muscular body, good health and a glowing face in today's world? Everyone wants his health to be good, to have a muscular body and to look good. Often you must have heard how hard people work to build a body, how well they take a good diet and at the same time they eat supplements, then the body is built. Friends, this thing is absolutely correct, all these things have to be done only then the body is made.

muscular body supplement gym body
Without supplement muscular Body

But there are some people who like to build their body without taking supplements.

Is it true that a good body can be made without taking supplements, then the answer is yes.

How to build body without taking supplements?

1. Regular Exercising -  

Friends, first of all you have to make an exercise routine. You have to exercise harder and harder every day. Because friends, the truth is that those who eat supplements, their body gets made quickly and those who don't eat it gets made a little late. That's why you have to work hard and exercise regularly.

2. Exercise under the supervision of a good trainer - 

No matter how hard you work, if you do it in the wrong way, the result will not be good. Exercise is done by everyone, but if we do it in the right way, then the result is more and faster, so work hard in the right direction and in the right way.

3. Take good and nutritious diet - 

Even if you exercise daily, but if your diet is not nutritious, then you forget that you will have a good muscular body. Therefore, include nutritious food in your diet.

Nutritious food -  milk, curd, bananas, eggs, green leafy vegetables, juicy fruits, dry fruits like almonds, cashews, raisins, walnuts.

Milk is rich in calcium and protein and fiber, calcium strengthens your bones.

Curd also contains calcium

Green leafy vegetables contain iron which makes new blood in your body.

Fruits contain a variety of nutrients

Dry fruits contain proteins and vitamins, which are very effective for the growth of muscles in your body.


4. Stop eating spicy food -  

Spicy food destroys the strength of our body and also spoils our digestive system. At the same time, it makes extra fat in our body.

5. Drink enough water -  

75% of our body is made up of water, if we do not drink enough water, we get dehydrated.

Due to which we fall ill. That's why a healthy person should drink 4 to 5 liters of water daily.

6. Get enough sleep -  Our body gets tired after a hard day's work, so friends, the body is in dire need of rest, due to which a new energy flows in our body. And the muscles also relax, due to which the muscles become stronger.


So friends, this was the information by following which we can make a good body without any supplement.

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